Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A Toast!

To my fellow Toastmasters:

What a great club! We're off to a great year with speeches, contests, a wonderfully committed group of officers and a strong membership. We are continuing to build momentum and it makes every meeting that much better.

I propose a toast to the Odessa Toastmasters:
For a genuine interest in being the best,
For a devotion to self improvement, and
For the mutual support and encouragement that sets us apart.

Thank you.

Thank you

Evan thank you for getting this page up and going. I want to tell everyone that was unable to attend the meeting on Tuesday, how much fun they missed. I really enjoyed the table topic competition even though I was forced to participate. (Not really, just strongly encouraged) Being new to Toastmaster's I was not sure what to expect. I will be unable to attend the next meeting, but look forward to seeing everyone on 3/10.
Hey everybody I am sorry I took so long getting this set up but here it is so let's keep people informed about what is going on in our club.